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Plany / Schedule


Summer semester  2020/2021 at SGGW




Since the beginning of the pandemic outbreak, SGGW has been doing its best to provide best quality education using tools and techniques of remote teaching. The process of adaptation was not easy and required huge engagement of both students and teachers.

The implementation of new tools, e.g. MS Teams and extended use of Moodle platform, enabled effective communication and organization of teaching process. Whenever necessary, practical face-to-face classes under strict sanitary regime rules have been organized. Thus, courses performed in the winter semester 2020/2021 are fully recognized and the winter semester will not be repeated, which is the official statement of the SGGW authorities.



Lead: Classes at SGGW for all levels and forms of education are carried out in a blended mode, i.e. in a traditional and online form.

Dear All,

The summer semester of the 2020/2021 academic year is ahead of us. The prognosis for the coronavirus pandemic clearly shows that we still have to wait before students return to campus for good. Considering the health and safety of the academic community of our Alma Mater as a priority, we provide the latest information on the organisation of education in the coming semester.

The online form of teaching is recommended at SGGW.

The method of conducting classes, exams and passing subjects in the traditional or online form is determined by:

1) Dean – in relation to: 

a. classes carried out by students,

b. classes at postgraduate studies - in consultation with the Head of postgraduate studies,

c. other forms of education provided at the Faculty,

2) Head of the Doctoral School - in relation to the classes conducted at the Doctoral School of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences,

3)  Head of Doctoral Studies - in relation to classes conducted in doctoral studies started before the 2019/2020 academic year,

4) Representative of the Rector for the Open University of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - in relation to classes at the Open University of Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 

informing the Rector about it.

All lectures are held online.

Classes in the traditional form are limited to the necessary minimum. In the traditional form, classes may be conducted at the SGGW facilities which cannot be carried out online, i.e.:

  • practical classes, particularly laboratory and clinical classes, which require direct contact or access to specialized equipment,
  • internships that require face-to-face contact or access to specialised laboratories,
  • classes (except lectures) included in the curriculum for students of the last year of first-cycle studies, second-cycle studies and uniform studies, for which the summer semester is the last semester of studies.


Diploma exams are mainly held online.Traditional diploma exams may be conducted on the Dean's decision.

Consultations with academic teachers are mainly online(on agreed and officially published dates). Traditional consultations may take place in accordance with the rules of the sanitary regime.




Dear Students, 


We would like to remind you that until further notice you are obliged to cover your mouth and nose with a mask, face shield or clothing:

 in generally accessible places, including:

a) on roads and squares, in cemeteries, promenades, boulevards, parking places, forests, parking lots,   b) on the common real estate, public places 

c) in dormitories, workplaces and in public utility buildings intended for the needs of: public administration, justice, culture, religious worship, education, higher education, science, education, health, social or social care, banking services, trade, gastronomy, services, including postal or telecommunications services, tourism, sports, passenger service in rail, road, air, sea or inland waterway transport. 



Stay safe and sound!

Schedule for academic year 2020/2021

1 st year, 2 semester


tutor of the year:        aleksandra_orzeszko_rywka@sggw.edu.pl

2 nd year, 4 semester



3 rd year, 6 semester last update 31.03.2021



1 st year, 1 semester  last update 25.09.2020

Division into groups is available after logging into ehms. Designation of assigned groups: go - final assessment group, gw - lecture group, gl - laboratory group. The plan refers to a laboratory group.

Szkolenie biblioteczne/Library training 
13, 20, 27 October, 3 November -online- MSTeams
Wtorek/Tuesday:   9.00-11.00

Below please find organizational information concerning studies in the academic year 2020/2021  

 Classes start on October 1th - according to the schedule

According to the study regulations, each of the 1st year students is obliged to report to the Dean's office (building 37, room 0/109) within 7 days of the commencement of classes, in order to sign the contract and to pick up their ID card.
  Persons, who did not provide a medical certificate during enrollment, are also required to submit this document to the Dean's office within 7 days of starting of classes. Failure to register with the Dean's office means resignation from studies and results in removal from the list of students.

contact to the Dean's office:

tutor of the year:        aleksandra_orzeszko_rywka@sggw.edu.pl



Dear students,

In the winter semester of the 2020/2021 academic year, classes at the Faculty of Agriculture and Biology will be conducted in a hybrid form, i.e. both in the form of direct contact with the teachers and the use of distance learning methods and techniques.


All students are required to set up Office 365 Academic Accounts via the website:


In the field - "
Wpisz adres e-mail szkoły" (meaning: school's e-mail address) - please enter the following:

s<album number>@sggw.edu.pl (example: s123456@sggw.edu.pl)

DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: SGGW_Teams_description_uslugi.


2nd year, 3 semester last update 25.09.2020 r.



3rd year, 5 semester last update 29.09.2020 r.


Szanowni Studenci Wydziału Rolnictwa i Biologii,

Ukazało się Zarządzenie Nr 32 Rektora Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie z dnia 21 maja 2020 roku  w sprawie zasad funkcjonowania Uczelni od dnia 25 maja 2020 r. oraz zapobiegania rozprzestrzenianiu się wirusa SARS-Cov-2 wśród członków społeczności SGGW w Warszawie. Przewiduje ono m.in. stopniowe uruchamianie części zajęć dydaktycznych.

Większość zajęć zostanie zrealizowanych i rozliczonych całkowicie w trybie zdalnym. Pozostałe zajęcia lub ich części, które wymagają pobytu na Uczelni zostaną zrealizowane zgodnie z harmonogramem:

Ekologiczne rolnictwo produkcja żywności, 1 rok, 2 semestr

Schedule for September 2020


1 grupa, 1 czerwca, godz. 10.00-14.00, bud. 37, piętro 1, sala 1/76, s.1/79

2 czerwca, godz. 10.00-14.00, bud. 37, piętro 1, sala 1/76, s.1/79

8 czerwca, zaliczenie, godz. 12.00, bud. 37, piętro 1, sala 1/76, s.1/79

2 grupa, od 31 sierpnia ( w tym studenci obcokrajowcy, po powrocie do Polski i odbyciu kwarantanny).

Podstawy biochemii i fizjologii roślin: aktualizacja 01.06.2020 r.

1 grupa, 

część biochemiczna: dnia 9.06.2020 r. (część ww. 15 osób, w godz. 9.15-12.00; druga część z ww. 15 w godz. 13.15-16.00   

część fizjologiczna: dnia 10.06 2020 r. (wszystkie z ww. 15 osób, w godzinach od 9.15 do 15.00)

2 grupa, od 31 sierpnia ( w tym obcokrajowcy, po powrocie do Polski i odbyciu kwarantanny).

Wyjazd studyjny, obie grupy, ok 15 września 2020 roku

Ekologiczne rolnictwo i produkcja żywności 2 rok, 4 semestr

Schedule for September 2020

( zajęcia stacjonarne są  planowane na uczelni od 31 sierpnia 2020 dla poniżej wymienionych przedmiotów:

Chów zwierząt Livestock Production in Organic Farming, Beata Kuczyńska, 15 h stacjonarnie

Weeds and weed management in organic farming, dr Anna Wysmułek, 9 h stacjonarnie

Ekologiczna uprawa TUZ, dr hab. Maria Janicka, 3 h stacjonarnie

Basics of microscopy etc. dr Mirosław Sobczak, 12 h stacjonarnie

Organic agriculture and food production, dr Kamila Bokszczanin, 18 h stacjonarnie

Essentials for professional life, prof. dr hab. Maria Rembiałkowska, 30 h stacjonarnie



Dear Students of the Faculty of Agriculture and Biology,

Ordinance No. 32 of the Rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) of May 21, 2020 on the principles of the University's operation since May 25, 2020 and prevention of the spread of SARS-Cov-2 virus among members of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW was published. It provides activation of some practical and lab seminars step by step.

Most of the classes and seminars will be completed entirely online. Other courses or parts of courses that require a stay at the University will be completed according to the schedule:

Organic farming and food production, 1 year, 2 semester

Soil Science:

1 group, 1 June, at 10.00-14.00, building 37, floor 1, room 1/76, p. 1/79

June 2, at 10.00-14.00, building 37, floor 1, room 1/76, p. 1/79

June 8, exam, hour. 12.00, building 37, floor 1, room 1/76, p. 1/79

2nd group, from August 31 (including foreign students after returning to Poland and quarantine).


Basic of plant biochemistry and physiology:  last actualisation 01.06.2020 r.

1 group, 

part of biochemistry: June  9, at 9.15-12.00; and at 13.15-16.00   

part of physiology: June 10 at 9.15 - 15.00)

2nd group,  from August 31 (including foreign students after returning to Poland and quarantine). 

Study trip, both groups, around September 15, 2020

Organic farming and food production 2 year, 4 semester (full-time classes are planned at the university from August 31, 2020 for the following courses:

Livestock Production in Organic Farming, Beata Kuczyńska, 15 hours stationary

Weeds and weed management in organic farming, dr Anna Wysmułek, 9 hours full-time

Organic grassland, dr hab. Maria Janicka, 3 hours stationary

Basics of microscopy etc. Mirosław Sobczak, PhD, 12 hours stationary

Organic agriculture and food production, dr Kamila Bokszczanin, 18 hours stationary

Essentials for professional life, prof. dr hab. Maria Rembiałkowska, 10 hours stationary if necessary.


The schedule of lab and practical seminars implemented in September for the 1st and 2nd year of study will be posted on the website by August 15, 2020.


1st year,1 semester 2019/2020

OAFP 1st Year Supervisior: dr Beata Michalska-Klimczak, mail: beata_michalska_klimczak@sggw.pl

Basic of botany: classes start from the 5th week of the semester


Ochrona środowiska/Environment protection   b.37,room 0/48 **
** the second half of the term 

Below please find organizational information concerning studies in the academic year 2019/2020 

October 1, 2019 is the first day of classes and lectures

The faculty inauguration of the academic year 2019/2020 will take place on the 3rd of October, 2019 at 9:00 am in the Crystal Hall at ul. Nowoursynowska 166 (building no. 9). There are no classes on this day, we invite you to the ceremony.

Division into groups is available after logging into ehms. Designation of assigned groups: go - final assessment group, gw - lecture group, gl - laboratory group. The plan refers to a laboratory group.

According to the study regulations, each of the 1st year students is obliged to report to the Dean's office (building 37, room 0/109) within 7 days of the commencement of classes, in order to sign the contract and to pick up their ID card.
  Persons, who did not provide a medical certificate during enrollment, are also required to submit this document to the Dean's office within 7 days of starting of classes. Failure to register with the Dean's office means resignation from studies and results in removal from the list of students.

contact to the Dean's office:

 Attention: Registration for a foreign language, 02.10.2019 (środa/Wednesday) 15.00/3 p.m. III piętro/3rd floor room 304, all groups,details at the first meeting 

 *Chemistry: the lecture will start 1 th October, laboratory classes will start 8 October 

Elective: you chose in the first class, below please findthe syllabuses: 

Food in Culture and Society

Introduction to sociology

1st year,2 semester 2019/2020, last update March 5, 2020


OAFP 2nd Year Supervisior: dr Katarzyna Kucińska, mail: katarzyna_kucinska@sggw.pl

2nd year,3 semester 2019/2020

RANKING 2019/2020

2nd year, 4 semester 2019/2020






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