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Strefa studenta - Wydział Rolnictwa i Biologii
Agrobiol > Organic Agriculture and Food Production (OAFP)  
Organic Agriculture and Food Production (OAFP)



Dear International Students,

Let me comment the last incidents on the campus. I know that most of you respect all restrictions imposed to control the spread of SARS-CoV-2 among the academic community of SGGW. Once again, thank you very much for your collaboration.

Unfortunately, today (Thursday, Oct 29th) incidents evidenced that despite the requests we repeat all the time, there are still some students who disrespect basic guidelines concerning the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition to mouth and nose covering and hands’ disinfection everyday steps to prevent COVID-19 include physical or social distancing – one of the best tools we have to avoid being exposed to this virus and to slow its spread. Respecting these rules is mandatory to minimize the risk of becoming infected. While following them you protect yourself and other members of the SGGW community, i.e. your peers, teachers and technicians, dormitory and Dean’s offices staff, administration personnel and others.

Early in the pandemic, COVID-19 often was understood as an "older-person disease" but researchers now know that it is not an accurate portrayal. Even people who are young and do not have underlying health conditions may get very sick, and there is no way to know ahead of time how some young adults like you will respond to the infection. After a few months of the pandemic it became clear that also young people experiencing COVID-19 require hospitalization, including intensive care. Besides, young adults may also seed waves of new infections among populations more at-risk.

If you like to have a chance to continue face2face practical classes you must do everything what is possible to prevent further cases of COVID-19 among students, teachers and others.

Therefore, I would like to ask you again to respect all imposed restrictions and remind you that indoor and outdoor gatherings and events are absolutely forbidden.

Your further cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,


dr hab. Marta Mendel

Prorektor ds. Współpracy Międzynarodowej


Dear Students,

Stricter safety regulations introduced. The whole territory of Poland in the red zone from October 24th

Guidelines for red zone area:

- wearing face masks in public space obligatory all over Poland

- limitations in public transport kept: 50% seats or 30% of all occupied

- limiting the number of people in retail outlets depending on the size of the store: for stores with an area of up to 100 sq m. - 5 people per cash desk, and for stores over 100 sq m of space - 1 person per 15 sq m

- “senior hours” in stores continued, between 10:00 and 12:00 a.m. only people over 60 will be served; people aged 70 and over are advised to not leave the house unless it is necessary

- ban on meetings, gatherings of more than five people (exceptions applied to people living together and staying in groups for work purposes)

- max. 1 person in 7 sq m during religious ceremonies, face masks and at least 1,5 m distance between participants required.

- ban on the organization of special events (weddings, consolations, etc.)

- restaurants and bars are closed - takeout and delivery sales only allowed, the restriction continues for the next two weeks with the provision to extended

- swimming pools, aquaparks, gyms, sanatorium are closed.

- in primary schools (4-8 grade), secondary schools and universities remote teaching applied; pupils in grades 1-3 will continue to study in class, kindergartens and nurseries remain open

- children and adolescents up to 16 years of age will not be allowed to leave the house on their own, only under the supervision of an adult; the ban will apply from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays (Monday to Friday)

Dear students,

We would like to inform you, that laboratory exercises at the Faculty of Agriculture and Biology are carried out in a hybrid system in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, as from October 1, 2020. Therefore, timetable remains unchanged, for time being.

Due to the dynamically changing situation, please observe information in the faculty website.


Dear Students,


New COVID-19 safety regulations have been introduced. Warsaw in red zone from October 17th.


Economy area:

- limiting the number of people in retail outlets to 5 persons per 1 cash desk

- gastronomy working hours 6-21, then only take away,  every other table occupied

- public transport 50% seats or 30% of all occupied


Social life:

- ban on the organization of special events (weddings, consolations, etc.) from October 19th

- max. 1 person in 7 sq m during religious ceremonies

- public gatherings up to 10 people


Education, culture, sport:

- universities and secondary schools - remote teaching applied (excluding practical classes)

- sport events without audience participation

- cultural events - up to 25% audience participation

- suspended activities of swimming pools, aquaparks, gyms




Dear Students, 

We would like to remind you that until further notice you are obliged to cover your mouth and nose with a mask, face shield or clothing

 in generally accessible places, including: 

a) on roads and squares, in cemeteries, promenades, boulevards, parking places, forests, parking lots, 

b) on the common real estate, public places  

c) in dormitories, workplaces and in public utility buildings intended for the needs of: public administration, justice, culture, religious worship, education, higher education, science, education, health, social or social care, banking services, trade, gastronomy, services, including postal or telecommunications services, tourism, sports, passenger service in rail, road, air, sea or inland waterway transport. 


Stay safe and sound!


Dear students,

In the winter semester of the 2020/2021 academic year, classes at the Faculty of Agriculture and Biology will be conducted in a hybrid form, i.e. both in the form of direct contact with the teachers and the use of distance learning methods and techniques.


All students are required to set up Office 365 Academic Accounts via the website:


In the field - "
Wpisz adres e-mail szkoły" (meaning: school's e-mail address) - please enter the following:

s<album number>@sggw.edu.pl (example: s123456@sggw.edu.pl)

DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: SGGW_Teams_description_uslugi.

Komunikaty dla studentów Wydziału Rolnictwa i Biologii


Dear Students of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW,

We invite you to fill in the questionnaire, https://forms.gle/ZS9d1ynf49jnZjZW8  throught which we would like to find out your opinion on the distance learning provided at SGGW in crisis conditions resulting from the coronavirus pandemic. Distance learning has been carried out at SGGW since March 13th. The experience gained during this period will be used to summarise the activities to date and to develop system solutions for distance learning in the future.

In the survey we refer to distance learning, by which we mean the realisation of particular subjects both in an asynchronous mode (e.g. by making materials available through an e-learning platform) and in a synchronous mode (e.g. by participating in "live" classes realised e.g. on the MS Teams platform).

Thank you in advance for taking a few minutes to complete the survey.

Rector's Committee for Quality Assurance






Rada Ministrów przyjęła 7 kwietnia br. projekt kolejnej ustawy zakładającej m.in. przedłużenie legalnego pobytu cudzoziemców przebywających w Polsce na podstawie ruchu bezwizowego lub wiz Schengen.

Informacja w j. polskim:


Informacja w j. angielskim:


 Warszawa, dn. 13.03.2020r

Drodzy Studenci kierunków studiów realizowanych na Wydziale Rolnictwa i Biologii

Z dniem 12 marca 2020 zostały zawieszone do odwołania wszystkie rodzaje zajęć dydaktycznych poza zajęciami e-learningowymi.

Pełną treść zarządzenia znajdą Państwo na stronie sggw.pl


Uprzejmie informujemy, że na Wydziale podejmowane są obecnie działania ustalające sposób realizacji poszczególnych zajęć, ujętych w Państwa planach dydaktycznych. O podjętych decyzjach, dotyczących sposobu realizacji poszczególnych modułów szeroko rozumianymi metodami zdalnymi, zostaniecie Państwo niezwłocznie poinformowani drogą mailową.

Dziekan Wydziału Rolnictwa i Biologii


DZIEKANAT/Dean's office

W celu zapewnienia komunikacji studentów z dziekanatem, należy w pierwszej kolejności wykorzystywać drogę elektroniczną i kontakt telefoniczny. Korespondencję w formie papierowej należy ograniczyć do niezbędnego minimum.


Od dania 1 czerwca 2020r. dziekanat będzie przyjmował studentów tylko w trakcie dyżurów podanych na stronie internetowej Wydziału po uprzednim umówieniu się drogą telefoniczną lub mailową.


Jednocześnie informuję, że dziekanat realizuje swoje zadania w pełnym zakresie.


Każdy student wchodząc do dziekanatu powinien przestrzegać zasad sanitarnych:

- powinien mieć własną maseczkę

- przestrzegać dystansu społecznego

- przychodzić do biura tylko w wyznaczonych godzinach

- nie wchodzić do biura jeśli przebywa w nim już inny student

Przy wejściu do budynku oraz dziekanatu znajduje się płyn do dezynfekcji - dezynfekcja rąk przy wejściu do budynku OBOWIĄZKOWA !!!


In order to ensure communication between students and the Dean's office, the electronic means and the telephone contact should be used as the first choice. Paper correspondence should be kept to a minimum.

Starting from June 1, 2020 the Dean's office will only admit students during the office hours listed on the Faculty's website and at the same time by appointment made over phone or over email.


At the same time please be informed that the Dean's office carries out their tasks to the full extent.


Every student entering the Dean's office should follow the sanitary rules:

- they should wear their own mask 

- they should respect the social distancing

- come to the office only at designated times

- do not enter the office if another student is already inside

Disinfectant fluid is available at the entrance to the building and to the Dean's office - hand disinfection at the entrance to the buil



MGR BOGUMIŁA SZYMAŃSKA pokój / room 0/109 tel. 22 593 25 08; bogumila_szymanska@sggw.pl

Kontakt do studentów:

1 rok OAFP: oafp2019i2020@gmail.com

2 rok OAFP: oafpsggw2018@gmail.com

Godziny przyjęć/Office hours:

11:00 - 14:00  / 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
10:00 - 13:00 / 10:00 am -1:00 pm
10:00 - 13:00 / 10: 00 am -1:00 pm


Prodziekan do spraw dydaktyki / Vice-Dean for didactics

dr Magdalena Muchorowska mail: magdalena_muchorowska@sggw.edu.pl

Dyżur dla studentów / Duty hours :

poniedziałek/Monday 11:00 - 12:00
 środa/Wednesday 14.00 - 15.00




W czasie wakacji i dni wolnych od zajęć godziny dyżurów Prodziekanów ds. dydaktyki nie obowiązują



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