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Strefa studenta - Wydział Rolnictwa i Biologii
Contact > Annual Report > 2008 > Areas and types of studies  
Areas and types of studies

There are two main study programmes for Agriculture and Biology offered by the Faculty of Agriculture and Biology. The system of student evaluation is compatible with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

Four types of studies are offered by the Faculty in the filed of Agriculture: full-time two-level stationary studies, part-time vocational engineering studies, part-time complementary Master of Science studies and postgraduate studies.

The first level of the full-time stationary studies, the engineering studies, last 3,5 years and are conducted in the following specializations: agronomy and agribusiness, computer sciences in agriculture, soil management, ecological (organic) agriculture. Students choose their specialization after completion of the forth semester. The engineering studies are concluded by the submission of a thesis and by passing the final exam for a degree of Engineer of Agriculture (equivalent to a B.Sc. degree). Undergraduates with the degree of Engineer of Agriculture have the possibility of taking up an additional 1,5-year master’s degree study in one of the following specializations: and additionaly seed sciences. This type of study is concluded by the submission of a thesis and passing the final examination for the degree of Master of Agriculture (equivalent to an M.Sc. degree).

Part-time vocational engineering studies last 4 years and are conducted in the specialized field of agronomy and agribusiness. These types of studies are conducted in Warsaw but also in the long-distance teaching centers of the Faculty in Leśna Podlaska, Łowicz and Widzew. Undergraduates of the part-time vocational engineering studies have the possibility of taking up an additional 1,5-year part-time complementary master’s degree study conducted in Warsaw. This type of study is also available for undergraduates with a diploma obtained after completion of vocational engineering studies in the field of Environmental Protection, Horticulture or Animal Sciences. This type of study is concluded by the submission of a thesis and passing the final examination for the degree of Master of Agriculture (equivalent to a M.Sc. degree).

Full-time two-level stationary studies are offered by the Faculty in the field of Biology. The first level, undergraduate licentiate studies last 3 years and are concluded by the submission of a licentiate thesis and by passing the final exam for a degree of Licentiate (equivalent to a B.Sc. degree). Undergraduates of the licentiate studies have the possibility of taking up additional 2-year master’s degree studies in one of the following specializations: plant biology, animal biology and microorganism biology. These types of studies are concluded by the submission of a thesis and passing the final examination for the degree of Master of Biology (equivalent to a M.Sc. degree).

Postgraduate (doctoral) studies last 4 years and should be concluded by the submission of a thesis to the Faculty Council for granting of a scientific degree of Doctor of Agriculture (equivalent to Ph.D.). However, it is worth mentioning that a Doctoral thesis may be submitted in the course of regular work at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW or at any other institution.

In the academic year 2007/2008, the total number of students who studied at the Faculty of Agriculture and Biology was 2227 among them 1593 studied in the field of Agriculture while 634 studied in the field of Biology.

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