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PhD Students
Jakub_Dobrzynski_zdjecie_na_strone_SZBM_124_x_155px.jpg          Jakub Dobrzyński (M.Sci.)

          room P/140, tel.: 22-59-325-78

          e-mail: jakub_dobrzynski@sggw.pl

          scientific interests: ecology of bacteria  

          of the genus Bacillus and Paenibacillus

          biodegradation  of lignocellulolytic waste, biocontrol



         Kasia_Gierrmasinska_zdjecie_na_strone_SZBM_conv_125_x_155px.jpegKatarzyna Giermasińska (M.Sci.)

        room P/142, tel.: 22-59-327-63

        e-mail: katarzyna_giermasinska@sggw.pl

        Scientific interests: bacteriophage and plasmid

        biology, plant-associated and soil bacteria




          Paulina Jadacka (M. Sci.)

          room P/143, tel.: tel.: 22-59-325-78

          e-mail: paula_belino@sggw.pl

          scientific interests: bakteriophages,

          phage proteases, protein-protein interactions



Monika Karasiewicz (M. Sci.)

room P/142, tel.: 22-59-327-63

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