Communications in Biometry and Crop Science

in Biometry and Crop Science



Aims and Scope

With the end of 2016, Communications in Biometry and Crop Science was closed. Thus, we are not accepting any new submissions. All published material will be archived on this web page.

The aim of Communications in Biometry and Crop Science (ISSN 1896-0782) is to publish original peer-reviewed papers, both theoretical and experimental, in crop and biometrical sciences. We accept papers in the following fields:

crop science: agronomy, crop plants physiology, plant-soil relationships, plant breeding, crop protection;

biometrical methods connected with the above-mentioned fields.

 CBCS is a forum for crop scientists and biometricians. Submitted manuscripts are reviewed quickly by at least two reviewers, and published online rapidly after acceptance.

Note that CBCS does not charge its authors for publication.