Communications in
Biometry and Crop Science was established
at the 100th anniversary of the Faculty of Agriculture and
Biology at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW (, and 80th
anniversary of the Department of Biometry of SGGW, which was created by
one of the most recognized statisticians of 20th century,
Prof. Jerzy Neyman. We would like CBCS to refer to his outstanding
achievements in the field of applying mathematical statistics and its
applications to agricultural sciences.
Communications in
Biometry and Crop Science is on-line published ( international
journal connected with biometry and crop science. The official publisher
is the Faculty of Agriculture and Biology of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). In CBCS, the following types of articles are published
Regular Research Articles.
These are original papers that make theoretical and/or experimental
contributions to any scientific field covered by CBCS. The findings
should be original rather than routine; results only confirming
previously known facts are normally not accepted. Preference is given to
short papers from the standpoint of review and publication (long papers
may require extra review time; shorter papers are prepared first for
publication). Long papers are accepted if the length is indeed necessary
to present the research.
Review Articles. These
are review papers that are concerned with any area covered by CBCS. The
authors should be aware that the time required for reviewing such papers
would be longer than reviewing regular articles.
Software Tricks and Tips.
These (usually short) papers discuss topics concerned with statistical
software; code is more than welcome, especially when it is non-trivial or contains solutions that are not readily available. Of interests are
especially papers that will be found useful by non-programmers. The section covers topics connected with applications of biometry in crop
Notes and Perspectives.
Notes are
usually short research papers that contain results of less importance
than regular papers. Perspectives cover discussions of issues important
for crop science and biometry. If you have some comments or an idea
about an issue concerned with CBCS research fields, and want to convey
your opinion to others who might benefit from it, consider writing a
Perspective type of paper for CBCS.
Letters to the Editor.
They represent a means of commenting on any paper published in
Communications in Biometry and Crop Science.
Reviews. CBCS aims to publish book reviews that are
either strictly concerned with areas covered by the journal or that
are closely related to crop science and/or biometry. Generally, the
books to be considered should be of a recent publication date (within
a couple of years of publication); however, interesting reviews of
older books, which have or may have great importance for the CBCS
readership, may also be considered. Authors who would like a review
of their book published in CBCS should contact the Managing Editor.
Teaching corner. Papers in this section are related to
teaching crop science and biometry/statistics for crop science.
Articles related to teaching at any level, from preschool to
university, are of interest – although for obvious reasons articles
dealing with the university level will likely be most often
published. They can be long or short, formal or informal,
data-driven or essay-like. Refer to
this editorial to learn details.
No charges are required from both readers and contributors. Therefore
the authors should be conscious that they can be asked to review the
articles for CBCS.
Our policy ensures that only the papers of high quality will be
published; on the other hand, the papers are published rapidly.
Therefore the readers are able to learn the very recent results in the
fields covered by CBCS. Quick publishing of papers in CBCS results from
the following policy:
The submitted manuscripts should not exceed
the required length (appropriate for the type of the manuscript).
Any correspondence is made via e-mail.
The authors must prepare their manuscripts
subject to the guidelines given in the Guidelines for authors. The authors of the manuscripts that are
incorrectly prepared will be asked to reorganize them as it is required.
Once the paper is accepted for publication
and properly prepared by the author, it is published on-line (in pdf
The journal's policy is that
single-environment experiments may be published as a NOTE.
The contents of papers published in CBCS are entirely the
responsibility of the authors; CBCS assumes no responsibility or
liability therefor.
Manuscript are reviewed
with the following rules:
- Manuscripts are reviewed by at least two peers, affiliated to other
institutions than authors.
- Double-blind review is used.
- Reviewers are requested to recommend acceptance / revision / rejection
of the paper along with their detailed comments on the manuscripts.
Methodological correctness is of highest importance.