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Educated in agriculture (MSc in 2000, PhD in 2002 and habilitation in 2008), Marcin Kozak is an interdisciplinary researcher specialized in statistics and data analysis for agriculture and biology, data visualization, information sciences, and survey sampling. He is an author of over 100 scientific publications, of which around 70 were published in journals listed in Journal Citation Reports by Thompson Reuters. Marcin has served various editorial positions for a number of journals, including Annals of Applied Biology (2010-), Scientia Agricola (2014-, 2008-2012), International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (2012-), Model Assisted Statistics and Applications (2006-), Statistics in Transition (2006-), and European Science Editing (2009-2010), and has performed hundreds of reviews for over 50 reputable journals as well as various organizations around the globe. Marcin Kozak is the Editor-in-Chief for Communications in Biometry
and Crop Science since 22nd April 2014. Schmidt, D., Rizzi, V., Gaziola, S. A., Medici, L. O., Vincze, E., Kozak, M., Lea, P. & Azevedo, R. A. (2015). Lysine metabolism in antisense C-hordein barley grains. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 87, 73-83. Kozak, M., Krzanowski, W., Cichocka, I., & Hartley, J. (2015). The effects of data input errors on subsequent statistical inference. Journal of Applied Statistics, (ahead-of-print), 1-8. Lewandowski, M., Skoracka, A., Szydło, W., Kozak, M., Druciarek, T., & Griffiths, D. A. (2014). Genetic and morphological diversity of Trisetacus species (Eriophyoidea: Phytoptidae) associated with coniferous trees in Poland: phylogeny, barcoding, host and habitat specialization. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 63(4), 497-520. Druciarek, T. Lewandowski, M., Kozak, M. (2014). Demographic parameters of Phyllocoptes adalius (Acari: Eriophyoidea) and influence of insemination on female fecundity and longevity. Experimental and Applied Acarology, DOI 10.1007/s10493-014-9782-2 Medici, L. O., Reinert, F., Carvalho, D. F., Kozak, M., Azevedo, R. A. (2014). What about keeping plants well watered? Environmental and Experimental Botany, 99, 38-42. Kozak, M., Cliff, M. (2013). Systematic comparison of hedonic ranking and rating methods demonstrates few practical differences. Journal of Food Science 78(8), 1257-1263. Szafranek, P., Lewandowski, M., Kozak, M. (2013). Prey preference and life tables of the predatory mite Parasitus bituberosus (Acari: Parasitidae) when offered various prey combinations. Experimental and Applied Acarology 61, 53-67. Soika, G., Kozak, M. (2013). Eriophyes species (Acari: Eriophyoidea) inhabiting lime trees (Tilia spp.: Tiliaceae) – supplementary description and morphological variability related to host plants and female forms. Zootaxa 3646(4), 349-385. Tartanus, M., Wnuk, A., Kozak, M., Hartley, J. (2013). Graphs and prestige of agricultural journals. Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology 64(9), 1946-1950. Kozak M, Krzanowski W, Tartanus M (2012). Use of the correlation coefficient in agricultural sciences: problems, pitfalls and how to deal with them. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 84(4): 1147-1156. Kozak, M., Bocianowski, J., Liersch, A., Tartanus, M., Bartkowiak-Broda, I., Piotto, F.A., Azevedo, R.A. (2011). Genetic divergence is not the same as phenotypic divergence. Molecular Breeding 28(2), 277–280. Hernandez Plazaa E., Kozak M., Navarretec L., Gonzalez-Andujar J.L. (2011). Tillage system did not affect weed diversity in a 23-year experiment in Mediterranean dryland. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 140, 102-105. Kozak, M., Azevedo, R.A. (2011) Does using stepwise variable selection to build sequential path analysis models make sense? Physiologia Plantarum 141, 197-200.
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