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Jan Bocianowski educated in mathematics (MSc in 1998) and agriculture (PhD in 2004 and habilitation in 2014). An interdisciplinary researcher, he specializes in biometry and statistics for agriculture, plant breeding, biology, classical and molecular genetics. Jan has authored or co-authored around 200 scientific publications, of which over 70 were published in journals listed in Journal Citation Reports by Thompson Reuters. He has served various editorial positions, including an editorial board member for International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (2009-) and Rośliny Oleiste – Oilseed Crops (2011-), and performed over 60 reviews for 33 journals. Jan Bocianowski is a Technical Editor for Communications in Biometry and Crop Science since 22nd April 2014.
Bocianowski, J., Nowosad, K. (2015). Mixed linear model approaches in mapping QTLs with epistatic effects by a simulation study. Euphytica 202, 459-467. Bocianowski, J., Szulc, P., Nowosad, K. (2015). Parallel coordinate plots of maize traits under different magnesium applications. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 14(3), 593-597. Waśkiewicz, A., Bocianowski, J., Perczak, A., & Goliński, P. (2015). Occurrence of fungal metabolites-fumonisins at the ng/L level in aqueous environmental samples. Science of The Total Environment, 524, 394-399. Bocianowski J. (2014). Estimation of epistasis in doubled haploid barley populations considering interactions between all possible marker pairs. Euphytica 196, 105-115. Varghese G., Jose M., Dinesh Raj R., Bocianowski J., Thomas G., Omanakumari N. (2014). Quantitative and molecular analyses reveal a deep genetic divergence between the ancient medicinal rice (Oryza sativa) Njavara and syntopic traditional cultivars. Annals of Applied Biology 164, 95-106. Liersch A., Bocianowski J., Kozak M., Bartkowiak-Broda I. (2013). Comparison of isozyme, RAPD and AFLP markers in genetic similarity assessment of CMS ogura F1 hybrids of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) parental lines. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica 55(1), 49-57. Wrońska-Pilarek D., Bocianowski J., Jagodziński A.M. (2013). Comparison of pollen grain morphological features of selected species of the genus Crataegus (Rosaceae) and their spontaneous hybrids. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 172(4), 555-571. Bocianowski J. (2012). A comparison of two methods to estimate additive-by-additive interaction of QTL effects by a simulation study. Journal of Theoretical Biology 308, 20-24. Bocianowski J. (2012). The use of weighted multiple linear regression to estimate QTL-by-QTL epistatic effects. Genetics and Molecular Biology 35(4), 802-809. Bocianowski J., Seidler-Łożykowska K. (2012). The relationship between RAPD markers and quantitative traits of caraway (Carum carvi L.). Industrial Crops and Products 36, 135-139. Bocianowski J., Mikołajczyk K., Bartkowiak-Broda I. (2012). Determination of fatty acid composition in seed oil of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) by mutated alleles of the FAD3 desaturase genes. Journal of Applied Genetics 53, 27-30. Krajewski P., Bocianowski J., Gawłowska M., Kaczmarek Z., Pniewski T., Święcicki W., Wolko B. (2012). QTL for yield componenets and protein content: a multienvironment study of two pea (Pisum sativum L.) populations. Euphytica 183, 323-336. Bocianowski J., Kozak M., Liersch A., Bartkowiak-Broda I. (2011). A heuristic method of searching for interesting markers in terms of quantitative traits. Euphytica 181, 89-100. Piesik D., Lemńczyk G., Skoczek A., Lamparski R., Bocianowski J., Kotwica K., Delaney K. J. (2011). Fusarium infection in maize: Volatile induction of infected and neighboring uninfected plants has the potential to attract a pest cereal leaf beetle, Oulema melanopus. Journal of Plant Physiology 168, 1534-1542. Bocianowski J., Krajewski P. (2009). Comparison of the genetic additive effect estimators based on phenotypic observations and on molecular marker data. Euphytica 165, 113-122.
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