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Andrea Onofri was educated in agricultural sciences (MSc in 1987) and obtained his PhD in Crop Productivity in 1994. His research interests were initially in weed science, but shifted quite early towards data analysis and statistical modelling. Since then he has been involved in several research projects, mainly relating to experimental design and modelling of crop yield, genotype stability, weed-crop interactions, herbicide phytotoxicity and seed germination. This research activity yielded more than 100 scientific papers in total, including over 50 in peer-reviewed Journals. From 2002, Andrea Onofri is Aggregated Professor at his home University, where he has thought courses in "Experimental methodology and modelling in agriculture", "Applied statistics", "Forage Systems" and "Agro-system modelling". At the moment, he is serving as statistical consultant for the journal Weed Research and has served as reviewer for several international and national scientific journals. Andrea Onofri is a Technical Editor for Communications in Biometry and
Crop Science since 13th May 2014. Cristaudo A., Restuccia A., Onofri A., Giudice V. L. & Gresta F. (2015). Species-area relationships and minimum area in citrus grove weed communities, Plant Biosystems 149(2): 337-345. Massaccesi L., Meneghini C., Comaschi T., D'Amato R., Onofri A. & Businelli D. (2014). Ligands involved in Pb immobilization and transport in lettuce, radish, tomato and Italian ryegrass', Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 177: 766-774. Onofri A., Mesgaran M., Neve P. & Cousens R. (2014). Experimental design and parameter estimation for threshold models in seed germination, Weed Research 54(5): 425-435. Pezzolla D., Marconi G., Turchetti B., Zadra C., Agnelli A., Veronesi F., Onofri A., Benucci G., Buzzini P., Albertini E. & Gigliotti G. (2015). Influence of exogenous organic matter on prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbiota in an agricultural soil. A multidisciplinary approach, Soil Biology and Biochemistry 82: 9-20. Stagnari F., Onofri A., Codianni P., Pisante M. (2013). Durum wheat varieties in N-deficient environments and organic farming: a comparison of yield, quality and stability performances. Plant Breeding 132: 266–275 Szczepanek M., Onofri A. (2013). Chewing, strong and slender creeping red fescue response to sowing time and method. Crop Science 53: 2613-2622 Turchetti B., Goretti M., Branda E., Diolaiuti G., D'Agata C., Smiraglia C., Onofri A., Buzzini P. (2013). Influence of abiotic variables on culturable yeast diversity in two distinct Alpine glaciers. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 86: 327–340 Graziani F., Onofri A., Pannacci E., Tei F., Guiducci M. (2012). Size and composition of weed seedbank in long-term organic and conventional low-input cropping systems. European Journal of Agronomy 39: 52 - 61 Rondoni G., Onofri A., Ricci C. (2012). Differential susceptibility in a specialized aphidophagous ladybird, Platynaspis luteorubra (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), facing intraguild predation by exotic and native generalist predators. Biocontrol Science and Technology 22: 1334-1350 Businelli D., Onofri A., Massaccesi L. (2011). Factors Involved in Uptake of Lead by Some Edible Crops Grown in Agricultural Soils of Central Italy. Soil Science 176: 472–478 Gresta F., Avola G., Onofri A., Anastasi U., Cristaudo A. (2011) When does hard coat impose dormancy in legume seeds? Lotus and Scorpiurus Case Study. Crop Science, 51, 1739-1747 Onofri A., Mesgaran M.B., Tei F., Cousens R.D. (2011). The cure model: an improved way to describe seed germination?. Weed Research 51: 516–524 Onofri A., Carbonell E., Piepho H.-P., Mortimer A.M., Cousens R.D. (2010). Current statistical issues in Weed Research. Weed Research 50: 5–24 Onofri A., Gresta F., Tei F.
(2010). A new method for the analysis of germination and emergence data
of weed species. Weed Research 50: 187–198E |
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