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Professor Sławomir Podlaski

Professor Sławomir Zbigniew Podlaski


Department of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Biology and Agriculture, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), 02-787 Warsaw, 166 Nowoursynowska St.

Phone: +48 22 5932522, fax +48 22 5932521,  e- mail: slawomir_podlaski@sggw.pl,


Academic education and employment records



2006 –  present, Head of Plant Physiology Department, Faculty of Agriculture and Biology

2002-2005, Deputy Rector for didactic affairs

1996-2002, – Dean of Agriculture Faculty

1992-1996, Head of Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Science , Faculty of Agriculture



2004 – Full professor of Agricultural Sciences

1990 – D.Sc. of Agricultural Sciences in field of Agronomy – Seed Science

1976 – Ph. D. in Agriculture in field of Agronomy

1970 - M.Sc. in Agriculture in field of Crop Cultivation


Main fields of research/ most important publications.


a/properties of sugar beet seeds affecting germination and field emergence

1.Podlaski S. 2001 The structure of pericarp affecting germination of sugar beet seed. Proceedings of International Institute for Beet Research.(IIRB) Bruges,   247-256.

2.Podlaski S., Chrobak Z. 2001. Effect of K, Na, Mg and Ca ions content in sugar beet seed pericarp and PEG treatment on the resistance of the seedlings     to Aphanomyces cochlioides  Drech.  Plant Breeding and Seed Sc., 45, 1, 65-75.

3.Orzeszko – Rywka A., Podlaski S. 2003. The effect of sugar beet seed  treatments on their vigour. Plant Soil Environ. 49 (6), 249-254.

4.Orzeszko-Rywka A. Podlaski S. 2010. Effect of sugar beet seed treatments on the course of field emergence yield and variability. EJPAU,13, (3).

5.Podlaski S., Chrobak Z., Wzorek H., 2010. Effects of sugar beet seed priming. Proceedings of Papers. 72nd Congress of International Institute for Beet Research. 22-24 06. Copenhagen DK.


b/seed quality improvement

1. Podlaski S.,  Chrobak Z.,  Wyszkowska Z. 2003. The effect of parsley seed hydration treatment and pelleting on seed vigour. Plant Soil Environ., 49 (3),114-118.

2. Podlaski S., Chrobak Z., Wyszkowska Z. 2003. Effect of parsley seed     treatment  on  root  yield.  Plant  Soil  Environ., 49, (5), 213-217.


c/criteria of plant selection  against drought

Chołuj D., Podlaski S., Karwowska R., Chrobak Z.2001. Effect of soil moisture on     seed germination and growth of sugar beet. 64th Congress Institute      International de Recherches Betteravieres, 26-27 juin 2001, Bruges, 365-370.

2.Chołuj D.,Wisniewska A., Krasuska U., Olewińska E., Chomontowski Ch., Podlaski S. 2010.  Estimation of physiological traits associated with sugar beet genotypes performance under drought.72 nd Congress of International Institute for Beet Research. 22-24 06. Copenhagen.


d/biological and energetic productivity of some energy crops

1.Podlaski S. 2007. Biofuels role in reduction of environment  pollution POLBIOF’2007 Conference ‘Perspectives of II nd generation of biofuel in Poland’. Kraków,  Polska,. 24-25.10.2007, 1-13 (in polish).

2.Podlaski S. 2008. Utilization of different energy crops for production of biomass. International Conference ,Biofuels Production: Ecological, Economical and Technological Aspects.,. Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation. Moscow 9-10 October 2008.

3.Podlaski S. 2007. Commercialization of biofuels in Poland. USDA. Global Conference on Agricultural Biofuels: Research and Economics. Minneapolis, Minnesota. August 20-22, 2007

4.Chołuj D., Podlaski S., Wisniewski G. 2008.Utilization of different energy crops for production of biomass. International Conference. Biofuels Production: Ecological, Economical and Technological aspects. Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation. Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. Moscow, 9-10 October.2007.

5.Chołuj D., Podlaski S., Wiśniewski G., Szmalec J. 2008. Complex estimation of biological use of 7 energy crops for energetic purposes Studies and reports. IUNG-PIB,  11,81-100. (in polish).

6.Chołuj D., Podlaski S., Pietkiewicz S., Wiśniewski G. 2010. Physiological parameters determining  biomass yield of energy crops. (in polish). In: BIOB. Modern biomass technologies and biodegradable waste - conversion BiOB to energy gaseous fuels. Monograph. Institute of Power Engineering- Research Institute, 69-88, Warsaw, Poland.


e/organization and activity of  global and domestic seed industry.

1.Podlaski S. 2005 Current situation and development of Polish plant breeding and seed sector., Wieś i Rolnictwo, 2(127), 104-117 (. (in polish).

2.Podlaski S. 2005 Plant breeding in Poland and in the World.) ., Hod. Rośl. Nas. 4. 10-15. (in polish

3..Podlaski S. 2007.The effect of breeding progress on plant production.)., Post. Nauk Roln.nr.1. 3-22, 2007 (in polish)

4.Podlaski S. 2007 Progress in plant breeding and seed technology. Hod. Rośl. Nas. 4. 5-11.

(in polish).

5. Podlaski S. 2006.Breeding progress in plant production-  yesterday, today, tomorrow.

Conference „Natural determination of plant production”. Jubilee of “100 Years  Anniversary of Agriculture Faculty of Warsaw Agricultural University Establishment., Warszawa 23-24.06, 36-58, 2006.

6.Podlaski S. 2008. Direction of  the World seed industry development,. Hod. Rośl. Nas. 2, 20-26 (in polish).


f/comparison of the Polish and global higher agricultural education

1.Podlaski S. 2008.Acreditation Commission of Agricultural Universities.173-179. In: T.Szulc (Ed.) Quality of education at polish universities. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Wrocław 1-237

2.Podlaski S.  2008. Present state and future of higher agricultural education in Poland.

Conference at Warsaw Agicultural University 15-18.03.2008.

3 Podlaski S. 2009.Trends in European and Polish agricultural higher education. Science and Higher Education. Centre for Science Policy and Higher Education, University of Warsaw, 113-124.

4.Podlaski S. 2009.The future of higher agricultural education in Poland. Post. Nauk Roln.,

 5-6, 19-33.

5.Podlaski S. 2010. Higher agricultural educations. The World versus Poland.  Zeszyty Probl. Post. Nauk  Roln.,542, 23-31


Professional activity including patents and expert reports


Podlaski S., Wzorek H., Chrobak Z., 2010. Patent: The  way of sugar beet seed germination acceleration.

Podlaski S., Wzorek H., Chrobak Z., 2011. Patent application: The  way of sugar beet seed priming.


Expert reports

For Polish Parliament and Senate

1.Podlaski S.1995 Opinion on national Seed Act from 22nd September 1995, 1-5

2.Podlaski S.1998. Where is going polish sugar industry? 1998, 1-13.

3.Podlaski S.1999. Opinion on national Seed Act from 15th May 1999, 1-8

4.Podlaski S. 2003.Restructuring of polish seed industry.  Information and Documentation

Office, Senate Office. Thematic Studies. 355, 1-11

5. Podlaski S. 2003.Restructuring of polish seed industry and its effects. Information and Documentation Office, Senate Office. Thematic Studies. 357, 1-13.


For European Parliament

Podlaski S. 2005.Situation of polish sugar industry in frame of  EU sugar market reforms. Speech  during Meeting of Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament. Brussels 12.09.2005



Organizational and scientific activity in the field of Polish Agricultural Higher Education.

2002 -  member of Expert Commission for working out a new national standard of  agricultural higher education

2002 - chairman of Accreditation Commission of the Polish Agricultural Universities

2003 - member of Selection Committee of Ambassadors Council of Visehrad States Group, for the choice of the best M.Sc and Ph.D students for scholarship

2006 – present,  member of Central Council of Higher Education. (CCHE), responsible for  working out:

-  5 standards of education in the field  of agricultural , forestry and veterinary medicine

– general National Qualification Framework    for  agricultural, forest and veterinary medicine sciences.

2011 – top expert  of regional Foresight project for all universities in Warsaw City “Academic Mazovia”.



1.The Minister of Science and Higher Education, Republic of Poland , II rank – 2008, 2009.

2.Multiple awards of the Magnificence the Rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW)


Ph. D. supervision

1.Anatol S. Dekaban – doctorate honoris causa – For organizing scientific cooperation among polish universities and universities in USA, Canada and Europe. 22.06.1998

2.Arkadiusz Artyszak – Growth, development  and productivity of sugar beet depend on seed quality and nitrogen fertilization (in polish). 24.03.1999.(Successor of the Reviewer)

3.Aleksandra Orzeszko-Rywka –Estimation of sugar beet seed vigour prepared according to different methods.19.12.2001

4.Ewa Zdunek –Comparison of sugar beet seed quality reproduced at different place at Europe. 9.07.2003

5.Sylwester Litwiniak – Properties of seeds and pellets affecting seed quality of pelleted sugar beet seeds.21.09.2006

6.Ibrahim Khamis Abd-Alnabi (Libyan Arabian Peoples Republic) – The effect of quality of spring barley seed on growth and yield of grain. 16, 07, 2009.


Research grants since receiving  full professor title.

1.Fluorescence of sugar beet seeds as indicator their quality. 2003-2005.State Committee for Scientific Research. Leader.

2.Elaboration of new composition of pellet for improving its physical-chemical properties and peleted sugar beet seeds. 2002-2004 Agricultural Property Agency of the State Treasury (AWRSP).


3.Determination of sugar beet roots decay in field, under condition of excess  soil moisture content. KWS –Poland &  Sudzucker – Poland. Leader.

4.Elaboration of new commercial technology of sugar beet seed priming. 2006-2009, Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Leader.

5.Modern biomass technologies and biodegradable waste - conversion BiOB to energy gaseous fuels. Subject 1. Comparison of physiological parameters determining  biomass yield of different energy crops. 2008-2010. Ministry of Higher Education. Leader.

6.Morphological, physiological, and molecular criteria of sugar beet tolerance against drought and possibilities their utilization in breeding of this plant.2007-2010. Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Member of the research team.

7.Agricultural productivity and energetic- emission characteristics of biomass of  energy crops cultivated at differentiated soil moisture conditions.2007-2010. Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Member of the research team.

8. Elaboration of new way of sugar beet priming. 2013-2015. The National Centre for Research and Development. Leader.

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